Cat Breading

Think you’ve already heard of all the ridiculous internet photo fads?  Unless you’ve already heard about “cat breading,”  think again.

On Saturday I was out in the boonies of Northern NJ, chilling on a lake for my friend, Kim’s “Partial Fulfillment Social,” (aka graduation party from her masters program), and our friend George says, “Courtney, have you seen the cat breading pictures on the internet?”

“Cat breading?  No…what’s that?”

“People put a hole through a piece of bread and then stick their cat’s head in it and take a picture…there are thousands of pictures if you google image ‘Cat Breading.‘”

At first I didn’t believe him… how…and WHY would you put a cat’s head through a piece of bread??  George pulled out his phone and proved that people (many people) do, in fact, stick their cats’ heads through pieces of bread and take pictures.

I was excited.  Because the next day I’d be going to visit my mom for Mothers’ Day and I knew I’d have access to three cats.  I couldn’t wait to tell my mom and sister about this new phenomenon.  T-Diddy loved it, but she wanted to do it with a hotdog bun.  I’m really not sure how she thought we were going to do it with a hotdog bun.  I think she just didn’t want to part with her precious loaf of honey wheat bread.  But she did.  The end result was fabulous.  I introduce to you, Cat Breading.